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Tender Types/Templates

Create a template to automatically associate Clauses with a Tender.

Here you can create a template (also referred to as a type) with associated clauses (if desired). All tenders/contracts must belong to a type. When a tender is created, the clauses associated with it's assigned type will automatically be linked to the tender. This form has 2 main sections: (1) Define a header for a type/template, (2) Define it's profile (attach Clauses to the type).

Create the Header

  • Create a Type - Make sure you have selected the Header Tab, then click New.

    Enter a Title, Description, and a Document Prefix (max 3 characters).

    Click Save to save the header. It's title will be added to the selection list.

    Note: Changing the document prefix, or associated Clauses of a Type will not affect existing Tenders. A Type is only applied against New Tenders when they are created. It does not retroactively change them.

  • Edit Header - Simply make the desired changes in the fields available in the Header Tab, and click Update.

  • Delete Type - Select the type from the list and click Delete, it will be marked for deletion and no longer be visible in the active list. To Permanently Delete a type, select View Deleted Tenders, select the tender to remove and click Purge.

    Note: Existing Tenders which belong to that type will no longer display that fact on the Tender Maintenance form. There will be no other effect on an existing tender.

    To Undelete a type, select View Deleted Tenders, in the Header Tab uncheck the Marked for Deletion box, and click Update.

Define the Profile (attach clauses)

  • Edit Profile - Click the Profile Tab. To add a Clause to the profile, select in in the bottom list and click the Add button (Up arrow ) or simply double-click the item in the list.

    To Remove a Clause from the profile, select in in the top list and click the Remove button (Down arrow ) or simply double-click the item in the list.

    Note: Changing the associated Clauses of a Type will not affect existing Tenders. A Type is only applied against New Tenders when they are created. It does not retroactively change them.