This form is for keeping the tender database up to date. Here you can add, modify, or delete
tenders. To browse the list of tenders, click on the desired tender name in the list (if
the list is already active, you can scroll through it with the Up & Down cursor keys).
To learn how to add, delete, and modify tenders, click here.
Note: to change the Clauses associated with a tender, go to the Build Tender screen.
- Index # - This refers to the ID number the TDS uses to
uniquely identify each tender entered in the system. It is for
internal use only.
- Tender Type - The type is basically a template which will automatically link specified clauses to the tender.
To learn about the Tender Types maintenance form, click here.
- Tender Title - The title of the tender as it will appear in the list. This is not printed in the final document. Max. 75 characters.
- Tender Description - A more detailed description of the tender, max. 255 characters.
- Date Due - A calendar-style control for selecting the date by which all submissions to the tender must be received.
- Document Prefix - A prefix (max. 3 letters) for the tender document file. A default is provided based on the Tender Type, but can be overwritten here.
- Date Changed - The date & time of the last modification made to the tender.
- Changed By - The user name of the person who last modified the record.
- Date Created - The date & time of the tender being originally created.
- Created By - The user name of the person who created the tender.