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Tender Assembly Form

Linking Clauses, Vendors, and Cover Letters to a Tender.

When the tender is complete, click the Make Documents button to go to the final step of writing out the tender and cover letter in Word files.

Tender Assembly Form - Clause Selection

There are 5 key parts of this screen:
  • Tender List - Select a tender from this list (on the right side of the form) to edit it.

  • Selection Tabs - The 3 tabs across the top of the form are for choosing the type of item (Clause, Vendor, Cover Letter) which you want to link/unlink to the selected tender.

  • Selected Items List - For each Tab, the top list displays items (be they Clauses, Vendors, or Letters) which have been linked to the Tender. This includes items which have been linked and then subsequently marked for deletion, but not permanently removed. For Clauses, this will be accompanied by a preview of the clause text.

  • Items List - For each Tab, the top list displays all items (be they Clauses, Vendors, or Letters) which are available for linking. This does not include those which have been marked for deletion, but have not been permanently deleted. For Clauses, this will be accompanied by a preview of the clause text.

  • Make Documents Button - Click to open the Document Generation screen for creating the tenders and cover letters in Word format.

To Add an item to a tender, select it from the Items List (top list), and click the "Add" Button Up Arrow to move it into the selected items list. An item cannot be linked more than once to the same Tender.

To Remove an item to a tender, select it from the Selected Items List (bottom list), and click the "Remove" Button Down Arrow to move it back into the available items list.

If an item is marked for deletion after it has been added to a tender, it will remain linked. If it is removed from a tender, it will not be possible to add it again as long as it is still marked for deletion.

Links are created or removed instantly, so changes become effective as soon as the lists are updated. The Refresh button is used to reload the lists, in case another user deleted or added new items.

Below is the screen as it appears when selecting vendors and letters respectively.

Tender Assembly Form - Vendor Selection

Tender Assembly Form - Letter Selection