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Clause Maintenance Form
This form is for keeping the clause database up to date. Here you can add, modify, or delete
Tender Clauses. To browse the list of clauses, click on the desired clause title in the list (if
the list is already active, you can scroll through it with the Up & Down cursor keys). To view clauses
from a single group only, select the tab with that group letter.
To learn how to add, delete, and modify clauses, click here.
- Index # - This refers to the ID number the TDS uses to
uniquely identify each clause entered in the system. It is for
internal use only.
- Group - A single letter which identifies the group in which the clause will appear on a
Tender. When printed, Clauses will be sorted and labeled by their group letter
(ie. A.1, A.2, A.3, B.1, B.2, ...).
- Priority - This is the second level of sorting: A number from 0 to 100 which determines where
the clause is listed within it's group (0 = Title, 1 = High, 100 = Low).
A clause with a priority of 0 will appear at the beginning of the group, 100 will be at the end of the
A Clause with a priority of 0 will be treated as a Group Header, and not have any Text printed below
it, or have an item number next to it. For example:
A     Group A Header
A.1   Another Clause
        This is a Clause with a priority > 0, therefore this text is printed, and there
        is an item number next to the group letter (A.1). The one above has a priority = 0.
Several clauses may have the same priority number. If a tender contains several such clauses, they will
appear in the order in which they were made (oldest first) since they aren't differentiated by the priority.
- Clause Title - The title of the clause, as it would appear on the
Tender Document (max. 100 characters).
- Text Body - The actual text of the clause in question.
- Accents - For users who are not using multi-lingual keyboards: Press the button for the desired
accent, then type the required character. If the selected accent is applicable to that letter, then it will
appear as the next character, otherwise the letter will be unmodified.
- Date Created - The date & time of the record being added to the database.
- Date Changed - The date & time of the last modification made to the clause.
- Changed By - The user name of the person who last modified the record.